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INterview #12 - Coco Sanchez

Introduce yourself, what are you currently up to besides rollerblading?
I’m Coco Sanchez and I just got back from doing shows all summer in Ohio. Right now I’m in the process of getting a place down in southern California. That’s pretty self explanatory but I am just getting the basics of being on my own and figuring out the most important part of my life out, me.

How did you get into skating, are you into anything else (like Kaya Turski and freestyle skis)?
My older brother got me into the scene. I started traveling around the country with my dad and some of the atl crew finding contest and getting our names out. Besides skating is when I concentrate on myself, family and friends. This winter I plan on being in the snow. I have not tried the skis yet, snowboarding is more my thing. Although this winter Ill give skiing a try.

What is your biggest success/contest won etc.?
My biggest success was placing 1st two years in a row at the ASA am world championships. The 2nd year turning pro. The biggest contest was taking 1st at the Supergirl Jam in 2009.

How often do you skate street with other girls, do you have any to skate with like everyday?
Skating with another female roller is rare when im skating park. I have only skated street once with another girl and that was Fallon.

There are not many girls who rollerblade professionally, did you have any influences when you started rollerblading?
My biggest influence was Fabiola De Silva. I was really into vert when I first started rolling because of her. Still today no other female has Fab on vert.

What can you say about the level of girl contest during last Winterclash? Are you happy with the results and the judging?
Female rollerblading is a new story when you travel over seas. Those ladies are on their game and you see more of them at sessions. Winterclash was the most raging contest I’ve ever been to. The female division went off. That was the 1st time I skated with a lot of those girls and I was super impressed with them all. I hope they stick with it and I get to session with them again. Judging never bothers me, im not in it to be judged.

What can you say to the girls out there who want to start skating but don`t have enough confidence?
Confidence is crucial when your starting to skate. Sometimes its hard to find. Ladies, falling is a part of this sport. If you don’t want to, I suggest you move onto the next. Don’t be afraid to fall in front of people. I had a huge problem with this when I started 7 years ago. Brush it off, get up and do it again. As time moves on it will get easier.

Most of women are rather fragile beings, how do you cope with the injuries?
I don’t like talking about injuries and its always a question I get. I try and keep away from the major ones but being patient with the healing process when they happen is super important.

You participate in the big events, what can you say about the level of women worldwide?
The level of women is increasing worldwide. I feel like they take skating more serious in other countries.

How such girl like you is feeling during the after-clash surrounded by hundred guys :D and only few other females?
I grew up around boys. I never chilled with my sister because she was younger and we didn’t get along at the time. Then skating came in and there were no girls in my life. The after-clash was a piece of cake. Fallon and I had our Fenfanix body gaurds with us the whole time.

Do you check the rollerblading msg boards, sites like Rollernews daily - what is the girl point of view on the Internet hate nowadays (everyone bitching out at others etc)?
I don’t pay attention to stuff like that. It consists of negative feedback and negative people towards everyone soooo.. Yeah nuff said.

Who is the current queen of rollerblading, who according to you has reached the highest level among girls, or have you noticed some new young talent coming up?
Fallon Heffernan would be considered the queen of rolling. That chicks been on something else for a long time and deserves mad respect. She kills contests and could murder a lot of the guys in the industry. Agree to disagree, it is what it is. Young talent over seas, there is the next generation.

Do you prefer to skate with girls or with the boys? Is there something which is annoying you when skating with girls?
I prefer to session with the boys. I don’t know, I have always gotten along better with guys. That’s just the way it is. Sessions every now and then with the ladies are always fun. Its never “annoying” skating with girls. We have to respect each other in order for our sport to grow.

Have you ever heard about this girl Wanita Tantrakun :) ?
Let’s just say I don’t do my homework when it comes down to it. So no, I have no clue who Wanita Tantrakun is. If your asking me about her, im sure she rips!

What can you say about Poland and scene here?
Again, im not sure about that scene. I’ve never been there.